Marcia gay harden films

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Harden, one of five children, was born in La Jolla, California (near San Diego), the daughter of Texas natives Beverly (née Bushfield), a housewife, and Thad Harold Harden, who was an officer in the United States Navy. She has been nominated for an Emmy Award and the Screen Actors Guild Award two times. In 2009, Harden received a Tony Award for the Broadway play God of Carnage. She was also recently seen in Lakeshore Entertainment’s The Dead Girl, directed by Karen Moncrief and starring Toni Colette, Kerry Washington, Mary Steenburgen and Brittany Murphy. Harden’s recent credits include Lasse Hallstrom’s film, The Hoax, opposite Richard Gere, and The Walt Disney Company’s The Invisible, directed by David S Goyer. She has starred in a string of successful mainstream and independent movies, such as Space Cowboys (2000), Into the Wild (2007) and The Mist (2007). She received an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as Lee Krasner in Pollock (2000). Harden's breakthrough role was in Miller's Crossing (1990) and then The First Wives Club (1996) which was followed by several roles which gained her wider fame including the hit comedy Flubber (1997) and Meet Joe Black (1998). Marcia Gay Harden (born August 14, 1959) is an American film and theatre actress.

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